Disposal of corporate stores and accelerated amortisation of Long Term Incentive

09 Jun 2005

Disposal details

The Board of Domino's Pizza UK & IRL plc (the 'Company') is pleased to announce the sale of 13 of its corporate stores for a cash consideration of £4 million to Dough Trading Limited. The sale of these stores underlines the Company's decision to focus on its core franchise business. The net profit realised by the Company on the sale will be approximately £850,000.

The operating profits attributable to these stores, before the allocation of central overheads, for the financial year ended 2 January 2005 was £464,000. The proceeds of the sale will be added to the Company's existing cash resources.

As highlighted in the annual results for the financial year ended 2 January 2005, the Company has been exploring a number of alternatives in relation to its strategy for its 18 wholly owned corporate stores. At that time, joint venture agreements with existing franchisees were favoured as an exit strategy from the ownership of corporate stores. Since then, the Company received an offer to purchase 13 of these stores from Dough Trading Limited which it felt was an attractive offer and in the best interests of the Company and its shareholders.

In relation to its remaining five corporate stores, the Company continues to explore its options, which is likely to involve setting up further joint venture arrangements or selling the stores.

Dough Trading Limited is controlled by Marc Halpern, the son of Colin Halpern, the Company's Executive Chairman. HS Real Company ('HS Real') is guaranteeing part of the debt funding that Dough Trading Limited is using to fund the acquisition. HS Real is owned by a discretionary trust, the beneficiaries of which are the adult children of Colin and Gail Halpern. The transaction is not a related party transaction for the purposes of the AIM Rules. However, by virtue of Colin Halpern's position in the Company and his relationship with HS Real, he took no part in the voting at the Company's board meeting on the approval of the transaction.

Accelerated amortisation of LTIP charge

In addition, the Company announces that it is likely that the performance targets set for the LTIP will be achieved earlier than expected. The resultant reversionary interests over certain assets of the employee benefit trust will therefore vest after three years instead of the originally expected five years -
the period over which this charge has been amortised. As a result, and on adoption of FRS20, the Company will now have to accelerate the resultant charge and include it in the profit and loss account for the current year. This additional charge, which relates to 2006 and 2007, will total £626,000.

For further information, please contact:

Lee Ginsberg / Rachel Wattel, 
Domino's Pizza:   01908 580 672

Chris Matthews/Andrew Jaques/Kate Catchpole, Hogarth Partnership:   020 7357 9477

Notes to editors:

• Domino's Pizza UK & IRL plc is the parent company of Domino's Pizza Group Ltd which holds the exclusive master franchise to own, operate and franchise Domino's Pizza stores in the UK and Ireland. The first UK store opened in 1985 and the first Irish store opened in 1991. As at 21 April 2005, there were 370 stores in the UK and Ireland.

• Founded in 1960, Domino's Pizza is the recognized world leader in pizza delivery. Through its primarily franchised system, Domino's operates a network of 7,530 franchised and Company-owned stores in the United States and more than 50 countries.

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