Syl Saller, an independent non-executive director of the Domino's Pizza Group plc ('Domino's') since September 2011, has given notice of her resignation from the Board due to other commitments with immediate effect. Accordingly, Syl will no longer serve as a member of the Remuneration Committee or as Chair of the Nomination Committee.
Commenting on these changes Domino's Chairman Stephen Hemsley said:
"It is with regret that I have accepted Syl's resignation, in order for her to devote time to her executive commitments at Diageo plc, and I thank her for her valuable contribution and wise counsel during her three year tenure on the Domino's Board".
The Chair of the Nomination Committee will be taken up by Stephen Hemsley (Chairman). Kevin Higgins who was appointed to the Board, as a non-executive director on 8 September 2014, will become a member of the Audit Committee and will Chair the Remuneration Committee. Helen Keays an independent non-executive director will be appointed as a member of the Remuneration Committee. These changes will be made with immediate effect.
This notification is given in accordance with LR 9.6.11.
For further information, please contact:
Paul Waters - Company Secretary
01908 580746